Wednesday, October 30, 2002

Strange experience

A few days ago, I started to recieve referrals from one of the most interesting Catholic blogs, Flos Carmeli (Flower of Carmel -- for those of you that might not be familiar, it is the title of a Carmelite anthem to Our Lady). Steve Riddle, a third order Carmelite (I assume O. Carm. as in the case of O.C.D. the term one generally uses is Secular Carmelite) shares wonderful insights and poetry, both his own and delightfully unpredictable but appropriate works by almost anyone else (the latest are from Sylvia Plath and T.S. Eliot along with his own Wadi Cherith). Steven's site is a gentle and thoughtful place, a bit unlike some of the more active and rambunctious places on the web that are more popular. Well worth spending regular time with.

Well, Steve recently added this address to his blogroll -- for which I am honored and grateful, especially as Marilee and I have been T.O.Carm ourselves, but are now inactive for reasons having nothing to do with the order itself. Tonight, having a little blogging time I started to post some thanks when I noticed that the link was now gone. Now it's back again.

Was it something I said? Actually it is not important -- this site really is not for crowds, just for a few friends like you. I don't expect attention and I still feel quite honored and grateful for the link, because Steve's site is that good (probably a better place to spend time at than here) and I think you should go visit it, now.
The Web is a strange and wonderful place and there are new experiences all the time . . .

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