Sunday, December 25, 2005

Holy Night

We worked the 4:15 pm "overflow" Mass in the parish hall last night. The 4 pm children's Mass was in the Big Church, but there is never enough room for everyone at that service. The late mass started at 10:30 with a choir concert, and there will be three Masses today. Marilee as usual was on flute, while I was a combination of lead usher, lead EME, and deputy sacristan. As usual, there were some problems, but things went well (for example, there wasn't water for washing set out, so I had to scamper back into the big kitchen to find a pitcher). I get the feeling, this is something I better get used to.

About the only thing that I can remember from confirmation class, is the priest telling us that at some point while taking communion, we would feel the connection with all the other people who are taking and have taken part in the Eucharist, especially those close to us. It happened last night, as was giving the Host to a couple of hundred people. This is always a strong experience for me, but last night a great deal of feeling rushed in without warning. My mother, Ann, died two months ago after a long illness, and her twin sister, Nan, died suddenly day before yesterday. As I have written before, I have felt that my grief breaker had popped, and I just couldn't feel certain things right now, which worried me. Last night it all seemed to come through, not just in pain, but also in joy. It was hard to hold on, and concentrate on the people in front of me. It was difficult, but good, and I think it will lead to other good things.

We are going inside today, perhaps for the last time for a while due to some personnel issues at the facility we visit. Christmas is a difficult time in prison, and we have had a lot more violence inside reported than usual, including one fight we saw ourselves. It will be a good day, though. Please remember all those who are away from home today, whether in prison, the military, hospitals, traveling, or trapped in poverty.

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